Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You Give Yourself Away....

I was talking about human rights the other day, and how our Christian understanding of Human rights is rooted in an understanding of relationships and community. The problem is, our western culture is obsessed with individualism. We live out our lives, in our isolated nuclear families, looking out for ourselves, standing up for our own rights and generally looking out for number one.

It comes out in so many ways. We see it in our blame culture -- lets make sure that, whatever happens, no-one can blame me for it. we make political decisions based on what is going to be best for me, not on what is best for the country.

Then we find ourselves incapable of trusting anyone except ourselves - our political leaders, our church leaders, our management, our employees - everything they do is open for us to questions, challenge, debate, change, because we know best, and we have a right to express our opinions.

The culture of individualism has gone so far that we now even deny the existence for absolute truth - we each hold on to our own "truths" - I'm glad thats true for you, but don't you dare let your truth impinge on mine.... in fact, pretty much the worst thing we can do in our individualistic culture is question someone else's "truth"... I honestly think we have lost the plot over this one.

But there is another way, a way that recognises and respects people's human rights, but doesn't require total individualism and isolation. The way of the cross, the way of Jesus. The sacrificial self-giving way - freely and generously giving up our own desires, our own rights, our whole selves in order that those around may have life, life in all its fullness. The way of life that washes feet, that brings healing and peace, that ultimately is prepared to give everything for others.

Its not something I'm very good at, I admit. I'm a child of my culture, and its a struggle to get out of it. But I do believe its not just the way we are called to live, but its actually the only way we can live in harmony with one and other. I just pray that, through the power of the Holy Spirit in my life, I will actually get better at it! 

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