Sunday, January 1, 2012

Nothing Changes on New Year's Day...

I've never been big on New Year's Resolutions. To the best of my knowledge, the only New Year Resolution I've made that I've actually stuck to was a few years ago, when I resolved not to make any more New Year Resolutions...

Lets be clear, I don't have any objection to the principle, so for those people who find they work and are positive and helpful, that's great! But for me, the thing with New Year Resolutions is that by the middle of January I'm struggling to keep to them, by the end of January, I'm already feeling guilty about the times I've failed to keep them, and that by the middle of February they've almost completely fallen by the wayside, probably not to be thought about again until next January!   

Generally I find it difficult to see why, just because its the 1st January, I should suddenly decide to make a load of changes in my life. It is, after all, just another day in the calendar. As far as I'm concerned, if something about my life is important enough to change, then the date should be irrelevant, and I should I just get on and change it, or in reality, ask God to help me change it, as its only through the work of the Holy Spirit that I can really be changed completely. And to be honest, that's a process that needs to happen far more often than once a year. In fact, its more properly a process that should happen everyday (although I'm not great at that either!).

Of course, because I'm only human, most of the time I'm asking for help with the same things over and over again, but at least, if I accept that its going to be a daily process, that I'm not always going to get it right, and that sometimes (most times!) I'll fail and have to start again, I won't get too disheartened, and, at least I won't have to wait for another Jan 1 to start over afresh! 

So, I wish you all a very Happy New Year, and hope and pray that 2012 is everything you want it to be - whether thats with New Year Resolutions or not! 

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