Finally, the culmination of the great plans are in sight, and this year, considering the numbers involved (23 people for Christmas lunch, aged between 84 and 0, spanning 4 generations for starts) they really are great plans - starting at least as far back as July... and it comes to completion tomorrow...
But of course we put all these plans in place to celebrate an even bigger plan - the biggest plan of all time - the plan to give humanity the biggest Gift possible, the Son of God himself, not as a powerful ruler come to take control by power, but as a tiny, vulnerable baby, born to live the life of a humble carpenter, to die a criminal's death, and yet in doing so to turn the world on its head.
Its a plan which has its beginnings right back at the start, which is pointed to throughout the Old Testament, which reaches its culmination on the cross, and which continues to change lives today. Despite the humble start, its a plan which is breath-taking in its scope but most of all displays utter humility and total, unconditional love.
So, as I finish this and look forward to midnight communion and the rest of our Christmas plans, I leave you with "O Holy Night", courtesy of Ben Cantalon and Stu G (ex-Delirious?), and with my hopes and prayers for a joyous and peaceful Christmas to you all.
Happy Christmas to you and your family Jonathan. Food for thought (no pun) in your blog as ever.