The campaign is trying to encourage everyone - people and organisations - to make at least one small change in their shopping habits, and / or to do something to encourage everyone to get involved in Fairtrade in some way...

For me, doing the right thing on this is an important part of my faith. Trying (as much as is possible in our western "civilisation") to live my life in a way which doesn't create or exacerbate poverty and misery for others is a vital part of "acting justly and loving mercy" - and accepting that there is a price to pay for that, that the lives of others are more important than a few extra pennies in my pocket is an important part of "walking humbly with your God".
The good thing is, Fairtrade is a big thing now. The days where buying Fairtrade coffee meant you were going to get a sub-standard cup are thankfully over (in fact, my favourite espresso coffee, from a company called "Grumpy Mule" is a fairly traded, organically farmed, coffee from the Highlands of Sumatra... and its really nice!) More and more fairly traded chocolate products are available, and fruit juices, sugar, baked goods... the list is nearly endless. And the instead of only being available direct from the manufacturers, from stalls in churches and from niche health food stores are also over - now fairly traded produce can be purchased from all major supermarkets - in fact Sainsburys now only stock Fairly traded bananas - which is a huge step forward (if you must eat that poisonous fruit!)
So, this is me, taking a step, encouraging you all to take a step - try something new Fairtrade this week and be part, in a small way, of making the world a better place!
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