I know, I shouldn't really complain. I have after all got a loving wife, two lovely, healthy, happy children, a good job, family, friends, a church family I love being part of, and of course a house, a car and all the material things I could ever need.

The challenge for me is to still remember to give thanks and praise to God, even in this kind of state - and actually, this kind of miserable grey day is when I find it toughest. I don't struggle too much with prayer and praise when things are really tough - actually, when its really dark, even if I want to rant and shout at God, at least then, I'm communicating with him. And when things are good, then, at the moment at least (and it hasn't always been the case) I'm okay at remembering that its not by my strength, or my achievements, but through the grace and blessing of God that I get there.
But when things are grey, when things are a grind, when the day-to-day is drawing in, thats when its hard. That's when I have to make a conscious choice to appreciate the things He has given me, to remember the things He has already done and to trust that He hasn't abandoned me to a humdrum boring existence. He has good things for me, good things for us as a family and as a church and He will keep his promises. Its just not the right time yet, and I need to stop wallowing in my own self-pity and get on with it... after all, the song which provided the title for this blog ends with the line
"Its Just a Moment - this time will pass".
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