Monday, December 26, 2011

We Ate the Food, We Drank the Wine...

The big day has been and gone - the baby is in the manger, the angels have returned to the heavenly realms and the shepherds have returned to their fields. The Magi are of course still somewhere in transit, awaiting arrival on twelfth night, so we can conveniently forget about them for a few days.

Here in the White House, a wrapping paper bomb appears to have exploded, too much food has been consumed, and even more remains in the fridge. We even drank the wine, although I probably should be questioning my little brother who chose wine from the Casillero del Diablo - the Devil's Cellar! Presents have been given and received, and excited children have had a magical Christmas. And, after a busy December at work, at church and at home, I am now officially, completely and totally shattered... and in need of a holiday.

The problem is, I'm not very good at resting. I had a chance today - the children were at the theatre with my wife and Aunt, and, because I'm away at my parents', it wasn't possible to think about the ever-growing list of things that needs to be done at home. I had time and space to rest.

I tried, I really did try. I read my Bible, I read my book for a bit. And then I got a bit bored so wandered around to see what everyone else was doing... which was when I found my brother (he of the Devil's wine!) playing on his Playstation. Half an hour playing Call of Duty followed, which was good fun, but meant that, when the rest of the family returned, it still felt like I hadn't stopped... a good chance to relax had been taken, but I hadn't really rested.  

The need to rest is something that God recognises, and one of the reasons we are commanded to keep the Sabbath is to give us the opportunity to rest, as well as the chance to spend time in his presence, unencumbered by the worries of work - paid or otherwise. So perhaps if I get better at actually resting, I'll find it easier to spend time with him...

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